Wearing: Slice Heaven Top thanks to Stephie's Shop; Chicabooti Floral Skirt; Asos Belt; Steve Madden Heels; Diva Necklace
I'm drinking some coconut water because I find that my 25 year old body cannot handle hangovers as easily was it could at 21. I am getting older, no!
Yet, I can't pretend it's not happening so I am making some small adjustments.
1st. Drink Responsibly. Stumbling is not classy.
2nd. No random spending on yet another hair product in which I already have. Should save to buy a house.
3rd. Getting rid of my old wide-leg cargo pants I used to wear when I was 15. Not coming back into fashion, in my opinion.
4th. Dress like a lady. And act like one.
Although I know I am not as disciplined as I'd like to be at most times, I should try once in a while. Hopefully I can just ease into being a grown-up by the time I'm 30. Wearing sweet cuts like this top from Stephie's Shop does help quite a bit though. That shop just oozes elegance, the sort of elegance I should definitely possess by the time I'm 30 plus. Fo sure!

I'm drinking some coconut water because I find that my 25 year old body cannot handle hangovers as easily was it could at 21. I am getting older, no!
Yet, I can't pretend it's not happening so I am making some small adjustments.
1st. Drink Responsibly. Stumbling is not classy.
2nd. No random spending on yet another hair product in which I already have. Should save to buy a house.
3rd. Getting rid of my old wide-leg cargo pants I used to wear when I was 15. Not coming back into fashion, in my opinion.
4th. Dress like a lady. And act like one.
Although I know I am not as disciplined as I'd like to be at most times, I should try once in a while. Hopefully I can just ease into being a grown-up by the time I'm 30. Wearing sweet cuts like this top from Stephie's Shop does help quite a bit though. That shop just oozes elegance, the sort of elegance I should definitely possess by the time I'm 30 plus. Fo sure!