Red Bull 2013 Illume: Founded by a Passion for Sports and Photography. A snippet from the top 50 finalists.
I'm not much a Sports person, the most I'd watch are the live shows from SYTYCD and F1. Yet I do appreciate good photography and wanted to share something different on the blog. Sick of staring at flat fashion images I was hooked once I first viewed these dynamic, bold and inspiring photos from the top 50 finalists of 2013's Red Bull Illume Competition. Red Bull Illume is an international photography competition dedicated to the world of action and extreme sports.
The winner, Lorenz Holder (2nd photo is a portrait of him; winning image is 1st photo) won an amazing Leica S camera and an impressive photography package. His winning photo was shot in the middle of a snowstorm of snowboarder Xaver Hoffmann performing a jump at a satellite dish in Raisting, Germany. In the middle of a snow storm! That's dedication for the love of Sports and Photography. Wow. Including the winning entry, the others in this blog post just really blew me away and also demanded my respect for the World of Sports. And I definitely, definitely pay my respects.

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