Bundeena to Wattamolla Coastal Track Hike (includes the Wedding Cake Rock). Photos by me and Betty, taken on a Sony RX100II Compact Camera
Towards the end of my Birthday week celebration (I had just turned 28), Betty and I managed to squeeze in a Coastal track hike from Bundeena to Wattamolla in Royal National Park.
Hiking is one of me and Betty's favourite things to do in this vast land, so to learn that it was a 16km track didn't faze us at all. Betty estimated it would take 6 hours - 3 hours there and 3 hours back.
Starting at 10am we started from the Bundeena Park Entrance and made our way down the sandy track. Unlike bush walking out near the Blue Mountains, this track was going to involve alot of sand, cliffs and sea views. This track is slightly challenging but overall, very easy.
Within 45 mins we were at the infamous Wedding Cake Rock (see above, I'm sure you'll instantly know which photo it is). This Rock is an amazing piece of limestone that sits out from the cliff. When you get to the edge there is a steep drop and honestly I get goosebumps looking over it. It is worth the hike to Wedding Cake Rock, but I would do it on a weekday so you get the whole place to yourself.
Passing through, we walked along the cliff to two isolated and vast beaches - Marley Beach and Little Marley Beach. Time passes slowly and peacefully when you gaze out to the sea and it is a time for reflection. I thought about my age, and the life I had leading up to it. I sent out to the world a big Thank You for the freedom I had in my life so far. I was very lucky to have the choice to drive down here to have a leisurely 6 hour walk and at the end eat Tuna sandwiches with my friends. If you have even a shred of the freedom that myself and many people in this world possess, then you must continue to appreciate and respect it. It can be taken away from us at any moment.
We stayed along the coast and within three hours we made it to Wattamolla. There, we tucked into Tuna and Chicken sandwiches, rock melon, lollies, chocolate biscuits and Nutella Sandwiches. With full and satisfied stomachs we made our way back with the sun setting behind us. Three hours later we reached our cars by 4.30pm. I was exhausted and hungry again, but I still felt extremely grateful.