The Circle at Mayfield Gardens

Sunday, August 9, 2020
Circle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSWCircle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSWCircle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSWCircle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSWCircle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSWCircle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSWCircle Monument Statue Mayfield Gardens Visit NSW

Wearing: Beanie from Nasty GalBettina Liano Jeans; Boots from Asos

Visiting: Mayfield Gardens during Winter Festival, 530 Mayfield Road, Oberon, NSW 2787. Winter Festival fee per person: $26.00 AUD per person. Last garden entry is 3pm. The garden shuts at 4:30pm (during Winter). All photos taken by me and Hai with Canon D70 DSLR

While visiting Mayfield Gardens, we found this amazing Stone Circle in the middle of the field. It was so pretty we stopped to take some photos. Visiting these gardens have been one of the very few highlights during this pandemic. It's a good reminder that we have to stay positive and try to live life as normally as we can during these hard times.

These days, I'm often thinking about staying healthy mentally. It's hard when you can't spend time with your friends and family. Seeing people in real life and physical contact can really life your spirits and feel connected.  I love a good hug, even when sometimes I can appear cold or nonchalant. It melts me. Laughter or a hug is always the best medicine!

My deep subconscious thoughts tell me that if Covid-19 doesn't get me, mental illness will. I have some family members with mental illness so I take it very seriously and keep tabs on myself. Spending time with friends and family helps me alot, so I encourage my friends to try and come out (while practising social distancing and taking extra precautions) so they can get out of the house and claim some normality. I know everyone feels out of place these days. I also want to take care of my loved ones. Life is hard enough as it is and sometimes we just need a break where we can possible.

Keep your chin up, take a break every once in a while, take care of everyone <3


  1. very interesting place, beautiful photos ;)

  2. Oh what a fun spot! It looks lovely! It's nice you are still able to travel and get out even with the restrictions - I'm the opposite, while I love hugs from family and friends I just want to stay close to home. Luckily there are a lot of beautiful trails and parks nearby that we can visit - when my knee isn't in too much pain it's fun to go "exploring" with the kids!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. We definitely try to follow safe guidelines for sure! I'm glad you have lots of nice parks and trails to visit, it makes dealing with the restrictions easier :)

  3. You're right. Sometimes spending time with friends and family (even from a distance) can be really beneficial. I'm glad you are able to stay safe and still have really wonderful experiences! These pictures are incredible.
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you for visiting. I hope everyone gets through this and stays safe! It's alot of changes for everyone.
      Have a wonderful week <3

  4. I need to visit one day. Stunning.

    1. I hope restrictions lift soon so everyone gets to visit places like this <3

  5. Woah, this looks so cool! :O I'd love to take some photos there!

    1. It is amazing! I hope everyone gets to visit this place one day <3

  6. That stone circle is amazing!

    We've been able to connect with friends a bit - we have regular "parties in the park" where we all bring chairs and hang out - but I have really missed seeing people in smaller settings. I'm not a hugger, but I even miss hugs!

    1. I'm glad you get to see people in person, it makes a huge difference! Its important to stay connected especially in these hard times :)

  7. Oh WOW, that stone circle is fantastic!! I have never seen anything like that before.
    Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Our lives have changed so much this year, and it is difficult to stay positive all the time. I have to go into hospital next week, and I'm a bit concerned that I may catch COVID in there and then pass it on to my family members, so I guess I'll have to totally isolate when I return home.🙁 Not looking forward to it at all...🙄
    Thank you so much for those wonderful have really lifted my spirits! 😊😊

    Have a good day!

    Hugs xxx

    1. Our lives certainly have changed! I hope your trip to the hospital is a safe one. I had to go recently to visit my sister after she gave birth and I also had the same fears. You just have to do what you can! :)
      I hope you have a wonderful week.


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x Natalie

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