A Roadtrip to Liverpool Plains (Quirindi)
Photos taken by Hai, Lisa and myself on my Canon 70D DSLR
The sunflowers in NSW grow nearly every year between December to March, ready to be harvested in April. For around three to four weeks, sunflowers can bloom and bloody oath, its beautiful.
So in February, Lisa, Sang, Hai and I decided to drive up after we received word that the crops have bloomed and we knew we had a that short window.
From Sydney, it took us four and a half hours. It was grueling but still a really fun roadtrip even if we did wake up at 3.30am to get there at 10am. Hai and I picked up Lisa and Sang in the quiet dead of night with thermos in our hands to sip our coffees. We passed the time by going through playlists to try and decide what songs to play at our weddings that were happening a few months later.
We settled on some dirty songs for the Garter song - giggling away listening to "Move B*tch" by Ludacrus or "Freak Me" by Another Level.
On a more serious note - please ensure to get permission from the owners to get into the crops for some beautiful photos.
If you want to be on the "Sunflower Alert" emails, its best to email info@visitquirindi.com.au to get on the mailing list. Its also a good idea to drop by the Liverpool Plains Visitor Information Centre (England Highway, Willow Tree) to get directions to the live crops as they aren't at the same place each year.
As for this past week, I've spent it working from Monday to Friday, going to gym for weights and cardio most nights. I've been adding around 15 minutes of the Rowing Machine for more cardio and a great back and arm workout.
On Friday I went to eat out with our friends for Thai food; then Saturday I took another friend out to Costco for their time (their eyes lit up!) to grab party supplies. At night we went to the birthday party where we sang Karaoke until 3am on some high tech Karaoke machine.
Sunday was a hangover brunch then I got to hang out with Betty with her little baby Jazza.
I picked up a new TV show on Netflix called the Dragon Prince which is pretty damn good (created by the same people who made Avatar: the last Air Bender series). I binged watched it through seven episodes, appreciating the score, which reminded me of one of my favorite TV show The Legend of Korra.
Some other great news, I recently was selected to be a Bangs Ambassador for Fall 2018!
Bang Shoes are an adventure based company that create shoes modeled after simple work boots found on farmers and workers in China. Hannah, the CEO was teaching English there and found the inspiration.
Their motto: Your Adventure Helps Others Find Theirs. This resonates with me and with my goal in life - to remind everyone that Australia is still beautiful.
I had just ordered some BANGS shoes - the High top in Yellowstone and a Low top in London Fog and I can't wait to get them in the mail!
Map to Liverpool Plains Visitor Information Centre: